Children’s book illustration
Project description
When I read Nadja’s manuscript for the first time, I brought tears to my eyes. As a mother of my own little daughter, this book touched my heart like no other before. That’s why it was personally important to me to make this book as wonderful as possible in order to give the parents of star children and their relatives, friends and acquaintances a sensitive and child-friendly book.
We agreed that the drawing style should be colorful, but a little softer. Not too many details or lighting effects. A gentle, sensitive book that is suitable for both adults and children.
I started the illustrations for this children’s book again on my iPad in Procreate and finalized them in Photoshop on my desktop computer. The individual steps such as sketches, rough color drafts and the final illustrations were discussed with the customer.
I put the book back into InDesign and the customer then received the finished print file. The book turned out beautifully and Nadja was thrilled.
The aim of the book is to make the topic of star children more visible and to give them a place in the family and society.
The book is available at: https://www.meinsternenkind.ch/product-page/sternenkinder-buch
The back cover text:
The Fuchs family is expecting a baby and is looking forward to life with him.
But the little fox dies unexpectedly. The Fuchs family and their friends are deeply sad. They lovingly say goodbye to the little fox before he finds a home among the stars. Even after his death, the little fox is omnipresent. For example in the wind that makes the leaves dance.
A touching story of love, longing and how you can integrate a loved one into your life even after their death.